
How did we end up being busy doing nothing?

Never before in history, have we had so much “streamlining”, “efficiency” and “digitalization” with a promise of releasing more time for the core task – and never before have we spent more time on unnecessary things than now. At least according to Dennis Normark who together with philosopher Anders Fogh Jensen in 2018 publishes the book “Pseudowork – how we ended up being busy, doing nothing”

Based on interviews, statistics and research, Normark focuses on all the unnecessary tasks we fill the working hours with. All those meetings, reports, emails, registrations, PowerPoint presentations, metrics, policies and other self-employed tasks that prevent us from creating value, innovating and, above all, creating a meaningful working day.

In other words, we are drowning in unnecessary work and wanting to spend more time with our families, all the while 430,000 Danes are on sick leave due to stress. Ridding ourselves of pseudo-work is, in fact, easier than you would think. Start the journey with Dennis Normark.

We are all busy, but what are we really busy with?

Gid min chef var høvding

Sådan får vi de ledere vi fortjener

Dårlig ledelse den hyppigste årsag til medarbejderflugt på danske arbejdspladser og ?chefen? er en væsentlig grund til at mange mistrives. Men måske er vi på vej imod en ledelsesrevolution? Som svar på ledelseskrisen samler der sig et oprør imod despotiske, fraværende eller uduelige ledere og der opstår tanker om helt at afskaffe ledelse.

Sammen. med antropolog Christian Groes har jeg udgivet “Gid min chef var høvding” for at tage læseren et overraskende sted hen når det kommer til at finde løsninger på ledelseskrisen. En tur helt tilbage til menneskehedens oprindelse hvor vi praktiserede modstand imod den selvpromoverende, bestemmende og hierarkiske ledelse som aldrig har gjort noget godt for nogen og som i oprindelige samfund bliver modsvaret af ledere der er lyttende, empatiske, inkluderende, tjenende og ydmyge. Vi kalder det høvdingeledelse.

Igennem studier af urfolk og stammesamfund præsenterer vi en oprindelig ledelsesstil, der har fungeret eksemplarisk og været levedygtig i årtusinder og har været praktiseret verdens oprindelige folk i evigheder, og nu også er ved at finde fodfæste igen. I et opgør med ledelseskrisen er flere organisationer og ledere i gang med en transformation. Hierarkier er under afvikling og gamle ledelsesidealer er på vej tilbage. I bogen hører vi både om høvdingeledelse i fortidens samfund, hos nutidens “urfolk” og hos moderne danske ledere i succesfulde organisationer.

Ufrihedens pris.

Ufrihedens Pris beskriver omkostningerne ved at opgive vores frihed til fordel for stadig mere regulering af vores liv. Vi bliver mere skrøbelige, mindre effektive, mindre velhavende og mindre innovative end hvis vi fik lov til at leve friere og mere uregulerede liv. Både i vores organisationer og i samfundet som helhed.

Ufrihedens Pris fortæller historien om hvordan vi endte med at tro på, at friheden var farlig. Igennem indsigter fra arkæologi, kognitionsforskning, psykologi, antropologi, filosofi og økonomi fortæller den historien om hvordan det gik til, at mennesket opgav sin egen myndighed og fandt sig i at blive administreret af andre.

Det er en historie om de skjulte omkostninger ved ikke at bestemme flere ting selv.


Pseudowork and how to overcome it!

Dennis Normark is a well-known and highly sought-after Nordic based speaker. He is available for bookings throughout the world – online and offline.

His talks are a provocative and eye-opening insight into the tasks we waste each other’s time with, and the simple changes employees and managers can implement to pull the rug away under administrative redundancy and delusions about what is actually important.

Talk 1: Pseudowork – How did we end up being busy doing nothing.

Talk 2: Giv friheden en chance – et opgør med de lave forventningers tyranni

Talk 3: Bureaucracy – the corporate cancer and how to overcome it.

Foredrag 4: Gid min chef var høvding – sådan får vi de ledere vi fortjener

Speaking enquiries


Giv friheden en change - et opgør med de lave forventningers tyranni

Hvad kan vi lære af den preussiske hær, af trafikforsøg med åbne pladser og skoleeksperimenter der starter med en løgn?

En hel del. Nemlig at vi lyver for os selv når vi tror at vi har brug for at få alting beskrevet i planer, nedfældet i regler og pakket ind i ledelse og administration.

Faktisk går vores organisationer glip af et enormt potentiale i frihed og selvbestemmelse samtidig med at de ikke selv forstår hvorfor tingene tager længere tid at udføre, drukner i møder og skaber mistrivsel og stress.

Men tingene er forbundet til hinanden. Vi får langsomme og besværlige organisationer fordi vi har marinerer hinanden i de lave forventningers tyranni.

Dette er sket fordi vi har fået overleveret en række myter om risikoen ved frihed og selvbestemmelse og velsignelserne ved planlægning og en overdreven tro på hvad ledelse både kan og skal. Myter som det er på tide at trække tæppet væk under.

For ufriheden har en omkostning, der betales af vores ansatte, vores kunder og vores ledere og som vi alt for sjældent medregner når vi klistrer organisationen ind i strategier, planer, risikoberegninger og processer.

I foredraget giver Dennis Nørmark sine anvisninger på, hvordan vi overskueligt kan få raskmeldt de dysfunktionelle organisationer, så tidens mange ulykkelige og stressede ansatte, via distribueret ledelse, stærk faglighed og selvorganisering, igen kan opleve ægte arbejdsglæde og ledelse der nytter.

Speaking enquiries


A conference, seminar or panel debate without a skillful mediator or moderator will quickly turn chaotic.

Dennis Normark has a lot of experience in guiding the audience safely through the day at large events, keeping track of time and schedules, summarizing, and asking the most relevant questions. As a moderator he makes sure to research the topic of the event very thoroughly beforehand, so as to be able to offer the most qualified and constructive feedback and ask the most relevant, challenging, and interesting questions of the speaker or presenter. He is very present in the role of mediator and moderator but never demanding, and his highest priority is to make sure that the day is running smoothly, is well rounded, and elegantly executed.

A good moderator is one who seems as interested in the topic of the event as the audience surely will be, and in order to be able to convey that interest and devotion to the topic it is required of the mediator to be engaged and well prepared. Dennis is very good at quickly familiarizing himself with complex topics, and skilled at summarizing long and complicated debates. Drawing on my large network of professional acquaintances in the world of business, science and research, the media, and politics he can also be of assistance with finding the right candidates for speaking, debating, and presenting early on in the process.

Dennis Normark knows how to read a room and connect with a wide array of different audiences, and my experience ranges from mediating everything from political debates to hosting large rock concerts. You can safely leave your event in his hands.

Moderator enquiries


Dennis is an active debater in the Media and on LinkedIn, where he contributes with knowledge, sharp answers and counter-responses.

Throughout the years he has participated in numerous panel discussions and debates, which have taken place on the radio, on television and in various community centers.

He believes that when it comes to debating, it’s important to strive to understand the perspectives and insights of one’s opponents instead of blindly defending the stance that you’re invited to the debate to represent. He doesn’t have much patience for pointless squabbles. Instead he humbly enters the discussion with the hope that he too come out of the debate having gained more knowledge. I had the pleasure of being a part of the Danish Radio show called ‘The Network’ for a period of five years and he strives to bring the amicable ambiance and debating style of the show with him.

Dennis is currently writing a column for the Danish newspaper, Politiken, every third week, just as he is an active debater on LinkedIn.

Meet Dennis Normark on LinkedIn


Pseudowork & cultural understanding.

Dennis Normark.

Anthropologist, speaker & author.

Dennis Normark is a well-known and highly sought-after Nordic based anthropologist, author and speaker. He works with international organizations such as Novo Nordisk, Leo Pharma, Deloitte, Coloplast, Oticon, Roche, Maersk, Novozymes etc.

He is the author to 4 books focusing on Culture and Culturel differences. He has become known for his finely tuned ability in scientific communication and for not being afraid to popularize his field of research. With the book "Pseudoarbejde" he seriously entered the Danish management scene and became an influential commentator on our modern working life, with over 100 lectures a year. The book, which Dennis co-authored with philosopher Anders Fogh Jensen, has so far sold more than 25,000 copies.

Furthermore Dennis Normark has established himself as an important consultant and speaker in the business world. He is known for his appearances on numerous TV and radio shows mainly in the Nordic region. He is brought in due to his extensive professional knowledge of people and cultures, as well as his ability to communicate that knowledge in an entertaining and easily comprehensible manner. The latter ability has grown out of his extensive experience in the world of theatre as an actor, playwright, and director. He has a background as conceptualizing chief consultant in market leading consultancy firms and is a professional board member in the media industry and education. Today he is partnering with Voluntās in a position as Senior Advisor and Head of Learning.

Privat har Dennis Nørmark fire børn og er i dag gift med cheføkonom i CEPOS, Mia Amalie Holstein. Han bor i Hjortekær i Kgs. Lyngby.


Said about Dennis Normark.

“The staff in our department were really excited – Normark made it dazzling, entertaining and present.”

Sihz Lund-Hansen, Novo Nordisk

"Wherever Normark appears in our international offices, he is highly respected for his inspiring approach. He manages to mix research, anthropology, history and common sense in a way everyone can relate to,"

Mette Seebach Würtz, Oticon/William Demant.

“Dennis hit the target group perfectly. In addition, he speaks perfect English.?

Marianne Iversen, University of Aarhus

“We invited Dennis Nørmark for a number of sessions to inspire around pseudo work in our organization  ? both inspirational talks, workshops with a large number of employees, and follow up meetings. This has been a game-changer for me for identifying and working with this mindset.”

Marianne Bie Frydendahl, VP People & Organization, Novozymes


For enquiries regarding speaking, books or PR activities please fill out the form below.

Dennis Normark
+45 28 43 46 23